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At Audio-Vestibular Clinics the hearing aid evaluation is undertaken by our professionals. 


  • We will evaluate your hearing levels with hearing tests.

  • We will help you understand hearing devices and what you might need to achieve the best hearing results possible.

  • We catagorise hearing aid type by where they are worn, eg behind the ear (BTE), in the ear (ITE), completely in the canal (CIC), and CROS aids (contralateral routing of offside signal). 


At Audio-Vestibular Clinic we offer a range of technologies in hearing aids to help you achieve the best hearing results possible. 


Audio- Vestibular Clinics is independent of hearing aid brands.  


Our qualified Audiologist fit private hearing aids, and is accredited by the Federal Government to fit hearing aids under the Office of Hearing Services for pensioners, Veterans Affairs and others eligible under this program. We are also accredited by Workcover to provide Hearing Aids for workers with industrial deafness. 


Just as the community has and uses technology like mobile phones, computers and the internet, google, facebook, skype, wireless speakers, wireless headphones and bluetooth, so also does Audio-Vestibular Clinics have and use "up to the minute" hearing aid technology with connectivity to other devices if needed. 


The Australasian College of Ear Nose and Throat Physicians recommend candidates for hearing aids see their General Medical Practitioner (GP) for a referral to an Ear Nose and Throat Medical Specialist (ENT) for medical evaluation of their hearing loss to exclude serious or potentially serious medical causes prior to the fitting of hearing aids. It is also important to diagnose the cause of the hearing loss and manage it as research indicates hearing loss may be a risk factor for dementia.


At Audio- Vestibular Clinics we have a multi-disciplinary team comprising our qualified Audiologist and Dr Brian Williams, ENT Medical Specialist. We aim to provide high quality services for patients with hearing loss.


We recommend first time candidates for hearing aids see there GP for a referral to Dr Brian Williams who will undertake the medical evaluation of your hearing loss and if needed request diagnostic hearing tests and other relevant medical tests prior to the fitting of hearing aids. This is in order to determine the cause of the hearing loss. After the medical evaluation Dr Williams will discuss hearing rehabilitation, including hearing aids if needed, with you.


Lets enhance your hearing! 

Your hearing and hearing aids. Who we are and how we can help  you.

Audio-Vestibular Clinics 

Chatswood and Parramatta

Monday -  Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Contact us: 02 9415 2260


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